Matcha Milk Jam that Works on Just About Everything


How You Can Improve Your Matcha Milk Jam Recipe

Use high-quality matcha powder

To ensure a vibrant and authentic matcha flavor in this matcha spread, opt for a high-quality matcha powder in your matcha milk jam. Look for ceremonial matcha or matcha latte powder for the best results.

Adjust the sweetness

If you prefer a sweeter or less sweet matcha milk jam, feel free to adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. You can add a bit more sugar for a sweeter matcha spread or reduce the sugar for a less sweet version of the matcha milk jam recipe.

Sweetening green tea the right way is a tricky business, so we actually created a full guide to help you 👉 How to Sweeten Green Tea

Infuse additional flavors

Consider adding a touch of flavor to your matcha milk jam by incorporating other ingredients.

When you add others ingredients to your matcha milk jam recipe, you just need to make sure that the flavors pair well in the matcha spread. To help with that, you may want to read our article 👉 What does matcha taste like? Taste Chart with Video

Add a touch of acidity

Enhance the overall flavor profile by adding a small amount of lemon juice or a splash of citrus zest to your matcha milk jam recipe. The acidity will brighten the flavors and balance the sweetness of the matcha spread.

Experiment with textures

If you prefer a smoother texture in your matcha spread, you can strain the matcha milk jam through a fine-mesh sieve after cooking to remove any lumps or bits. Alternatively, if you enjoy a bit of texture, you can leave it as is or even add crushed nuts or shredded coconut for some added crunch.

Speaking off an added crunch in your milk jam recipe, you might want to check out our recipe for matcha green tea cookies 👉 The Best Matcha Cookies You’ll Ever Eat!

Explore serving variations

In addition to the suggested serving ideas in the original milk jam recipe, think outside the box and experiment with other food pairings. For instance, try spreading the matcha milk jam on scones, using it as a filling for crepes, or even incorporating the matcha spread into a matcha-flavored milkshake or latte.


What Can You Use your Matcha Milk Jam on?

Matcha Milk Jam on Toast

The creamy and slightly sweet matcha milk jam spreads beautifully on toast, adding a delightful depth of flavor to the bread. The earthy notes of matcha spread beautifully contrast with the toasted bread, creating a harmonious balance.

Vanilla Ice Cream

The rich creaminess of vanilla ice cream pairs exceptionally well with the matcha milk jam. The vibrant matcha flavor adds complexity to the sweet and smooth ice cream, creating a delightful contrast that is both refreshing and indulgent.

Speaking of ice cream, we have a great ice cream recipe you may want to check out 👉 Make Hojicha Ice Cream in 4 Easy Steps

Baked Goods

Incorporating matcha milk jam into various baked goods, such as cookies, cakes, and muffins, adds a unique twist to traditional recipes. The combination of the rich matcha spread flavor with the sweetness and textures of baked goods results in a memorable and flavorful treat.

If you're interested in mixing matcha spread or tea in general with baked goods, you're going to love this recipe 👉 Make a Stunning Hojicha Cake Worthy of a Birthday Party

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