Is green tea good for you? A Tea Expert Weighs in

Is green tea good for you? 🤔

This is a question on a lot of people's minds, and in this article, we’re going to answer it once and for all!

We’ll also look at the unique attributes of the tea leaf and answer why is green tea good for you.

Finally, we’ll tackle what is green tea good for in terms of maintaining overall health and we’ll show you our list of the best green tea for health. 

Let’s get brewing! 🍃


Is green tea good for you?

So right off the bat, is green tea good for you? Of course it is! Green tea has been used for thousands of years, and it was used as a medicine before it was even considered a beverage. 

Still today, when people get sick one of the first things they reach for is tea to help relieve some of their symptoms. But why is green tea good for you? For that, we’ll have to take a deep dive into the plant itself. 

If you want to take a deep dive into the health benefits of green tea, we recommend you take a look at this guide here 👉 Green Tea Benefits and Why You Should Drink it Everyday


Why is green tea good for you

The question is green tea good for you may be easy to answer, but the question of why is green tea good for you is a bit more complex. To find the answer, we’ll have to take a look at the chemical components within the tea leaf. 


The antioxidants are the most cited compound when it comes to answering why is green tea good for you. The primary miracle worker behind the health benefits of green tea is EGCG or Epigallocatechin gallate.

Antioxidants like EGCG can help repair damage to the body cause by oxidative stress. These antioxidants are found in fruits in vegetables, but they can also be found in green tea!


Just like coffee, tea also contains caffeine. Although too much caffeine does come with downsides, a moderate amount does appear to have some health benefits, like increased metabolism, weight loss and more!

The caffeine in green tea can be a complicated subject, so we decided to make an entire article about it! If you want to learn more, you can read it here 👉 Does Matcha Have Caffeine? It’s the most Caffeinated Tea


Is green tea healthy compared to coffee? The reason that might make you answer “yes” has to do with the presence of l-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid that counteracts some of the negative side effects of caffeine like the crash, jitters and anxiousness.

This is why when you drink green tea you feel so different compared to when you drink coffee. 


Polyphenols are a compound found in a lot of different plants and they can have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. 

They may also support vascular health, improve digestion, and promote overall well-being. Consuming a diet rich in polyphenol-containing foods is linked to numerous health benefits, making them an essential component of a balanced and nutritious diet.

 Not only can polyphenols provide great health benefits, they can even help with your hair. If you want to learn more how green tea can help your hair, you'll want to read this article 👉 Can Matcha Boost Hair? Untangling the Benefits


What is green tea good for?

So now that we’ve answered why is green tea good for you, let’s talk about what is green tea good for. Specifically, we will be addressing the 3 most common topics when it comes to health, cold and flu prevention, weight loss and anti-aging.

#1 Cold and Flu Prevention

Green tea offers several benefits when it comes to preventing colds and flu. It is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. 

These compounds help boost the immune system, making it more resilient against common viruses. Additionally, green tea contains small amounts of caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine, which can enhance alertness and focus, supporting overall well-being during cold and flu season.

Its soothing warmth can also provide relief from throat discomfort and congestion, making it a comforting choice when you're feeling under the weather.

#2 Weight Loss

Green tea has gained popularity as a natural aid for weight loss. The key lies in its metabolism-boosting properties. 

The catechins in green tea can increase the body's metabolic rate, helping it burn calories more efficiently. Moreover, it contains compounds that may reduce appetite, making it easier to control food intake. 

While green tea alone is not a magic solution for weight loss, when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, it can be a valuable addition to a weight management plan.

#3 Anti-aging

Green tea's potent antioxidants, primarily EGCG, play a significant role in combating the signs of aging. They help neutralize free radicals, which can damage cells and accelerate the aging process. 

Regular consumption of green tea may help maintain skin health by promoting collagen production and protecting against UV radiation damage. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce skin redness and irritation. 

Drinking green tea is also linked to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, contributing to overall well-being as you age.

#4 Good for kidneys

So right out of the gate, is green tea good for kidneys? The answer is yes. Green tea is generally considered good for kidneys as long as it is consumed in a reasonable amount. There are a few reasons that make green tea good for kidneys, and we’re going to discuss them in the next segment.


The best green tea for health

If we’re looking at the best green tea for health, there are five teas that come to mind. These 5 teas are all very different and their unique benefits make them the best green tea for health. 

#1 Matcha


Matcha powder is considered to be the best green tea for health because it is made from powdered tea leaves.

This tea powder is mixed directly into water, so when you drink it you are consuming the entire tea leaf, along with all of its health benefits. 


This means that matcha gives you more antioxidants, caffeine, theanine and polyphenols per sip than any other tea, making it the best green tea for health.

If you want to explore the health benefits of matcha, you can read this article here 👉  What do Scientists say about Matcha Benefits? Find Out Here


#2 Gyokuro


Gyokuro isn’t considered to be the Emperor’s tea for nothing! It is packed with nutrients.

What makes gyokuro the best green tea for health is its high l-theanine content. L-theanine is thought to induce a calming effect on the brain, and it can counteract some of the negative side effects of caffeine.


This is why gyokuro drinkers report having a longer lasting, calm alert feeling that lasts throughout the day. For this reason, gyokuro can be a great tea for long periods of work, study or exercise. 


#3 Bancha

If you are sensitive to caffeine, bancha is the best green tea for health.

Unlike the other two heavy hitters, bancha is very low in caffeine, only containing 30-40mg of caffeine per serving. This tea is made from the older leaves of the tea plant, so it is higher in minerals as well.

Bancha is a great tea to drink after a meal to soothe the stomach. If you have a sensitive stomach, you will find bancha much easier to drink than other types of green tea. 

And yes, green tea has a lot of positive effects on your stomach due to its antioxidants and minerals.

Some studies even suggest that certain components of this green tea may have a protective effect against kidney stones.


#4 Sencha


Sencha tea is the most common type of green tea in Japan, but that doesn’t mean it's not extremely healthy!


If you’re looking for protection during cold and flu season, sencha is the best green tea for health. This is because of its high concentration of antioxidants.

These antioxidants, or catechins to be more specific, can help repair oxidative stress and strengthen the immune system.

The catechins are produced by the tea plants to protect the leaves from the sun, and therefore you will find more in unshaded teas compared to shaded ones.


#5 Kukicha


Kukicha is another great low caffeine tea that is good for your health.

This tea is made by combining the stems and leaves of the tea plant. This creates a mild, straw like flavor and a higher mineral content.


These teas also have the advantage of being cheaper, which means you can drink them consistently with out spending too much money.

Speaking of that, if you're interested in saving money you should check out our guide 👉 List of the Best Cheap Loose Leaf Green Teas


Is green tea healthy to drink daily?

So now we know the best green tea for health, let’s talk about is green tea healthy to drink daily. When it comes to drinking larger quantities of green tea, the only thing you’ll need to worry about is the caffeine content. 

While most green tea contains a fraction of the caffeine as a cup of coffee, it is still worth being careful. The maximum daily intake for caffeine is 400mg and a cup of sencha can have 50-60mg of caffeine. This means you really shouldn’t exceed 8 cups of green tea per day.


Is green tea good for you? The Final Verdict

So is green tea good for you? Of course it is! There are so many different health benefits when it comes to green tea, the only question is where to start. 

We recommend you try a few different types of green teas to find which one you like the most and then start building health habits around that. Remember, the key to health is consistency!

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